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Performance Analysis Books by Routledge
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Journals are a source of current research in the respective subject areas, there are not many particularly dedicated to Performance Analysis, nor notational Analysis. It is sometimes necessary to do long detailed computer searches to find material. Here we have listed some of the journals that more Performance Analysis than most.
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport (electronic)
This electronic journal is published by the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC) in conjunction withingentaconnect. This journal is the only journal dedicated exclusively to the discipline. The first volume of the journal contained the keynote papers of the PASS.COM conference and was published in 2001 to be followed by a second volume in 2002. In 2003 and 2004, the journal grew to 2 issues per year. The best papers of the 6th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport were published in the 2nd issue of the 2004 volume. Institutions running sports science programmes that include performance analysis modules or where students can do performance analysis dissertations should subscribe to the journal.
Journal of Sports Sciences
This journal produces 12 issues a year and has a sports performance section that any performance analysis papers will appear under. Despite its title, this journal is not exclusively a sports science journal and it publishes exercise and health papers as well as sports science papers. In 2002 a special issue (issue 10) on performance analysis was published which should be read by all students taking performance analysis at level 3 and above. The paper by Hughes and Bartlett on performance indicators published in this special issue should be read by all students of performance analysis students. The abstracts of the annual conference of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science are published in one of the issues each year. The performance analysis abstracts usually appear in the interdisciplinary section.
European Journal of Sports Sciences
This is the official journal of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS). It is published bi-monthly, eight issues per year, both in print and as online editions.
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
This journal publishes a wide variety of human movement studies papers relating to sport and exercise. Much of the research published in the journal uses methods other than observational techniques. For example there are papers based on self-report. The sections of the journal don’t lend themselves well to performance analysis research but there are occasional papers based on performance analysis within the research notes section.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
This journal is dominated by sports medicine papers but there are occasional papers using performance analysis to describe the energy demands of sports.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
This applied research journal is the official journal of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (USA). Occasional papers using performance analysis have been published in this journal describing the physical demands of playing and refereeing different sports.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
The official journal of the Australian Association of Sports Sciences includes articles on training issues that analyse the demands of sports and describe player movements. There are other game analysis papers and interdisciplinary contributions that include performance analysis techniques within the investigations.
Journal of Human Movement Studies
The journal of human movement studies has an excellent record of publishing interesting and important papers in time-motion analysis of field games, rally analysis of racket sports and detailed technique analysis investigations. There are other areas within the scope of the journal but it is one of the few that frequently publish original research papers describing the activity profile of players during competition and training.
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport (electronic)
This electronic journal is the journal of the International Association of Computer Science in Sport. Some of the papers are relevant to performance analysis of sport in areas such as performance modelling and pattern recognition in sports performance. The first issue was published in 2002, two issues were published in 2003 including a special issue on the associations 2003 international symposium that was held in Barcelona or was it Stuttgart. Two further issues were published in 2004. Specialist masters programmes in Performance Analysis may have modules on modelling techniques, data mining and advanced data analysis techniques such as the use of neural networks. Teachers and students on programmes including such modules should use this journal.
Other Research Material
The World Conferences organised by the ISPAS have produced a series of compilations of Proceedings – the research papers presented at the respective conferences. These are listed below and are available from the Centre for Performance Analysis, UWIC, Cyncoed, Cardiff.
Hughes, M.D. (1997) (ed) Notational Analysis of Sport - I & II, Cardiff : UWIC.
Hughes, M.D. (2000) Notational Analysis of Sport - III , Cardiff : UWIC.
Hughes, M.D. and Tavares, F. (2001) Notational Analysis of Sport - IV , Cardiff : UWIC.
Hughes, M.D. and Franks, I.(2001) (Notational Analysis of Sport – V) , Cardiff : UWIC.
O’Donoghue, P. and Hughes, M. (eds) (2004). Notational Analysis of Sport - VI, Cardiff : UWIC.
Prof. Tom Reilly from Liverpool JMU has edited 2 books on the science of soccer, and each of these have 2 -3 chapters on the analysis of soccer, see the Taylor and Francis website :-:-
Reilly, T. (ed) Science and Soccer. (1997). London: E. & F.N. Spon, pp. 343-362.
Reilly, T. (ed) Science and Soccer II. (2004). London: E. & F.N. Spon, .
In addition there have been 5 World Conferences in the science of all the football codes, in each of these proceedings there has been 2 chapters on match analysis, see the Taylor and Francis website :
Reilly, T., Lees, A., Davids, K. & Murphy, W. (1988), Science and Football. London: E. & F. Spon.
Reilly, T., Clarys, J. & Stibbe, A. (1991) Science and Football II. London: E. & F.N. Spon.
Reilly, T., Bangsbo, J. and Hughes, M. (1997) Science and Football III. London: E. & F. Spon.
Spinks, W, Reilly, T and Murphy, A (2002) Science and Football IV. London: E. & F. Spon.
There have been 3 World Conferences in the science of racket sports, in each of these proceedings there has been at least one chapter dedicated to notational analysis, with a number of papers using this methodology in other discipline areas, see the Taylor and Francis website :-.
Reilly, T., Hughes, M. & Lees, A. (1993) Science and Racket Sports. London: E. & F. Spon.
Lees, A., Hughes, M. & Reilly, T. (1998) Science and Racket Sports II. London: E. & F. Spon.
Lees, A, Kahn, J F and Maynard, I M (2005) Science and Racket Sports III. London: Routledge, ISBN 0-415-33840-9.